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Home Home> 고객서비스> Q&A
제목 Ferry Lyanyungang
등록일 2023.10.30 글쓴이 Bertrand THÉVENOT

We'd like to book a ferry one way from Lianyungang to Incheon for mid-february. We are two.

Is it possible to do this online?

We will arrive in China the 6 february.

Thank you for your answer.



2월 중순에 연운항에서 인천으로 가는 페리를 편도로 예약하고 싶습니다. 저희는 두 명입니다.

이것을 온라인으로 예약할 수 있을까요?

저희는 2월 6일에 중국에 도착할 예정입니다.

답변 주셔서 감사합니다.

베르트랑 테베노 (Bertrand THEVENOT)
답변제목 Hello, this is LYG FERRY. 답변일 2023-10-31
Hello, this is LYG Ferry.

Regarding your inquiry, we reply as follows.

Currently, our passenger boarding has been suspended due to COVID-19, so it is not possible to board the passenger until now.

However, we are planning to resume passenger boarding within this year, and there is no confirmation on when passenger boarding will be possible.

Therefore, we reply as follows on the assumption that passenger boarding has resumed.

When you said mid-February in your inquiry, do you mean mid-February in 2024?

If it is February 2024, the ship's schedule may be uncertain due to the Lunar New Year holiday from February 9 to 12, 2024, and the schedule for this period is expected to be confirmed around the end of January.

Because of this, it is necessary to confirm the exact date you want to board.

if the passenger's boarding is possible, ship ticket departing from China can be issued at Lianyungang Port in China. 

And we can help you make a reservation if you pass the passenger's passport information to our China passenger department or Korean passenger department.

Departing from Lianyungang Port to Incheon is boarding every Monday and Thursday at Lianyungang Port, and the departure procedure at Lianyungang Port takes place at 13:00 local time.

In this regard, if the specific boarding schedule for which the passenger wishes to board is confirmed at a time when the passenger boarding has resumed, please send it to China passenger team mail passenger@ckferry.com or Korea passenger team mail pst@lygferry.com

If you send the e-mail, we'll give you a detailed answer.

Thank you.